Da Trotskyism in the service of the CIA against the socialist countries di L. Martens
“The restoration of capitalism is impossible!”

In the thirties Stalin raised a critical question: In a country where socialism has established the dictatorship of the working class, it is possible the restoration of capitalism? Trotsky said the restoration of capitalism is impossible without an armed uprising of the bourgeoisie without a protracted civil war. His approach to “impossible restoration”, served to eliminate all political and ideological alert, encouraging and stimulating a conciliatory position, both within the Party, as to the class enemy in society.
Since the Cultural Revolution, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party reaffirmed that can degenerate to be invaded by ideas and bourgeois and petty-bourgeois theories.
Revisionism is the adoption of the ideas of the bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie disguised with Marxist Leninist terminology. When revisionism definitely manages to monopolize a communist party, it becomes the main instrument for the progressive bourgeois restoration, both the ideological-political and economic level.
Mandel, the main leader of the so-called Fourth International boasts stating that this “Stalinist” theory only serves to justify the arbitrary and echoing one of Trotsky’s theses.

“Glasnost is Trotskyism …”

At the time that the international bourgeoisie recognized that the restoration of capitalism was a fact, Mandel received the honors of the anti-Soviet press. Your shamelessness is so extreme that led him to declare that Gorbachev was a great revolutionary, retomador of Trotskyist theories. Mandel says, “can now see all the communist world who the real revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries. Trotsky, Trotskyists, Gorbachev and Gorbachev’s followers are in the camp of the revolution, Stalin and Stalinists are in the field of counter-revolution. “Mandel stated in Managua that Stalin represents a “violent counterrevolution”.
Fortunately, through the efforts of Mandel and Gorbachev in 1990 we have moved towards revolution.
Here is the statement Mandel Temps Nouveaux “Temps Nouveaux: Declares Gorbachev perestroika is the new revolution Ernest Mandel:. If indeed he says that, and this is actually very positive Our movement has advocated for 55 years this thesis, so it was called counterrevolutionary. Nowadays is well understood in the Soviet Union and within most of the international communist movement, where they were actually real counterrevolutionaries. ”
It had to wait two years to see fall the Soviet Union in the hands of the pro-American and Tsarist mafia, to see flourish fascist and Tsarist forces in Russia and the other republics, and to see different reactionary civil wars between different bourgeois fractions civilians. This discovers the true face of the “revolutionaries” of glasnost and perestroika, this also shows how political forces working to Mandel, the professional anti-communism.
Catherine Samary, the other star of the Fourth International, confirmed the Soviet press Gorbachev implemented the program developed by Trotsky. She makes the praise of glasnost: “In your country has not yet posted anything about the platform left and fought against Stalin and proposed an alternative way for the construction of socialism But you are in the process of adopting these ideas. Construct a genuine socialist democracy and self-management “.